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TOP TEN Double end ball Leather Code 1125

Speed is not magic, but boxing training, in particular, is about striking lightning-fast and precisely. With the TOP TEN double-end ball you train your responsiveness and rely on high-quality equipment. The reflex ball consists of a real leather cover and can be attached to the ceiling and floor anchors or a box station using the adjustable suspension. Contrary to training on the punching bag, a strong swing back at the double end ball is expressly desired. This training device demands your full attention every single second so that you do not accidentally take a goal. We think that the double end ball is an ideal addition to any boxing training and is in no way inferior in its effectiveness to sandbag training. That is why we see the double end ball in beginners' training, as well as for advanced and professionals.

  • leather sheath
  • including elastic bands/fastening hooks
  • adjustable suspension

TOP TEN Double end ball Leather Code 1125

SKU: 1125-4000
Sales Tax Included
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