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The bamboo sword Shinai was invented as early as the mid-17th century and should represent an alternative to the Bokken. However, it quickly developed into an autonomous weapon and is now used especially in Kendo as a sports and competition weapon. It consists of 4 bamboos, which are held together at the bottom by a handle cover and at the top of the "tip" with a cap. A band marks the hit area, which is about 25 cm lower when viewed from the top. The nylon cord is the Shinai bamboo sword to mark the non-blade side - the side that is dull in a real sword. Just right for our bamboo Shinai, you get Tsuba and Tsubadom.

  • Competition length of 120 cm
  • finger guard/needle plate
  • high-quality workmanship
  • very good handling

Kendo-Shinai 118cm  bamboo Code 690

SKU: 690-0114
Sales Tax Included
Only 8 left in stock
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